The majority of individuals say that stamped concrete looks nothing like conventional concrete. Some people even believe it’s a whole distinct product. That’s not the case. Even though the foundations are identical and the system is the same, there are numerous distinctions between the two. Stamped concrete and ordinary concrete, for example, are suitable for entryways such as concrete driveways. If this is the case, their thickness is usually the same and their structural strength is comparable. 

The common concrete used in streets, entrances, patios, paths, and regular pavement is known as standard concrete. It’s usually set on a bed of compacted gravel or natural soil. The reinforcement, which is commonly wire mesh or rebars, is installed on the foundation. Concrete can be categorized based on its intended usage thickness. A driveway containing light vehicles and cars, for example, is typically 4 cm thick. In locations with harsh winters, ready-mix concrete is often used. It needs to be strong for at least 28 days. Place the concrete, hit it with a hammer, then finish with a sponge. Water and other agents are then used to cure the concrete. 

Basics of Stamped Concrete 

Stamped concrete can be poured in the same way as regular concrete. Except the final phases, all of the steps are usually the same. This type of concrete is colored, and the pigment is frequently added to the mix. Although many contractors use intrinsic colors, they can be colored with a pigment hardener. 

Many contractors go one step further and press the concrete to make it as smooth as possible. Regardless of the concrete’s intended consistency, the rubber imprints it like stamps. A color release agent is used to prevent stamps from sticking to the base and antiquing. Many contractors apply curing chemicals to the concrete’s surface to keep it from cracking until the next day, or until the concrete is cleaned and screened with a sealant. 

In a nutshell, regular and stamped concrete are the same thing. On the surface, there isn’t much difference between the two types. Many people believe that stamped concrete is less durable than conventional concrete, however, this is simply not true. Stamped concrete’s hardness can only make it less durable. Snow removal equipment, such as a snowplow, can also cause damage to stamped concrete. 

Hire the Best Concrete Contractors 

Whether you require normal concrete or stamped concrete, you must contact concrete professionals. Those are the folks who can provide you with the most amazing experience and deliver the greatest results. You’ll gain so much by employing specialists rather than fly-by-night contractors who may do a wonderful job at first but deliver a shaky end product. 

Examine the company’s reputation before selecting concrete contractors. Ensure that they have been in business for a long time. You want to hire someone who can guarantee you a certain level of service. As a consumer, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that if anything goes wrong with the installation, you can always count on them to fix it. If you’re not sure, talk to several professional associations and organizations.